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LearnQoch is Proudly Associated with

#1 Higher Education Accreditation Software

Experience the Smooth & Hassle-Free Accreditaion Process


Criteria-wise report, ready for upload, saves time and effort

Simplifies calculation and reporting of CO, PO, and PSO attainment

Generates IIQA, SSR, AQAR, and SAR reports automatically with one click

One Institute One Data - In a Common Framework

LearnQoch software provides a Common Data Capturing System (CDCS) to meet NAAC, NBA, and NIRF accreditation requirements



Faculty Contribution

Student Support


Continuous II Practise


1. Curricular Aspects (150)

2. Teaching- Learning and Evaluation (200)

4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)

3. Research, Innovations and Extension (250)

5. Student Support and Progression (100)

6. Governance, Leadership and Management (100)

7. Institutional Values and Best Practices (100)

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1. Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives (50)

2. Program Curriculum and Teaching –Learning Processes (100)

3. Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes (175)

6. Facilities and Technical Support (80)

5. Faculty Information and Contributions (200)

4. Students’ Performance (100)

8. First Year Academics (50)

9. Student Support Systems (50)

10. Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources (120)

7. Continuous Improvement (75)

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1: Teaching, Learning & Resources (KI1,2,3)

1: Teaching, Learning & Resources (KI-4) 4: Outreach & Inclusivity (KI4)

2. Research and Professional Practice

3: Graduation Outcomes (200)

4: Outreach and Inclusivity (KI1,2,3)

5: Perception

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Benefits of Implementing LearnQoch’s Higher Education Accreditation Software:

Easy Task Allocation

Allocate tasks online to gather historical and current data in accreditation format

Real-Time Data Review

Real-time data review by coordinators and HODs with immediate feedback for accuracy

Auto Report Generation

No tedious admin tasks; automatically generates SSR, AQAR, SAR reports in various formats

Quick Data Access

Get 100% centralised data storage and security

Training & Support

LearnQoch Subject Matter Expert to handhold respective team members

Accreditation Simplified

LearnQoch software makes the accreditation process smooth and hassle-free for NAAC, NBA, and NIRF