Experience the Smooth & Hassle-Free NAAC Accreditation

NAAC Software

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    Experience the NAAC Software for Smooth & Hassle-Free NAAC Accreditation Process

    LearnQoch’s NAAC Software is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the NAAC accreditation process for educational institutions. It streamlines centralized data management, Data Verification & Validation and One Click Report generation, ensuring compliance with NAAC standards. With user-friendly features and real-time updates, institutions can achieve a smooth, hassle-free accreditation experience efficiently and effectively.

    We are an EdTech growing company that provides technology solutions to schools, colleges and universities to make them truly digital. Our next-generation technology platform has the ability to better the learning & teaching outcomes by implementing :

    An ERP to improve the Productivity of an educational institute

    Learning Management System LMS to improve the learning & teaching outcomes as per NEP 2020

    Future Skills Training Program

    Equipping students with 21st-century Future Skills through
    Internships leads to rewarding Placements and prepares them
    for success in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

    Psychometric Assessment

    Help your students to discover their best career options aligned with their strengths with the help of LearnQoch’s Psychometric Assessment.

    Why all Higher Education Institution need NAAC Accreditation?

    It helps to do a analysis
    of your institute

    NAAC Software
    NAAC Software

    Prepares a framework for effective
    planning & resource allocation

    Higher probability of getting the desired funding

    NAAC Software
    NAAC Software

    Initiate innovative and modern
    methods of pedagogy

    It also improves trust with parents,
    students,teachers,and recruiters

    NAAC Software

    What are the major challenges faced by NAAC Coordinator and Team?

    Managing 5 years of historical and current year data

    Task allocation to specific criteria owner

    Real-time review of work, done by specific criteria owner

    Too much follow-up with cross-functional team members

    Creation of SSR and AQAR reports as per the manual

    NAAC Software

    Benefits of LearnQoch NAAC Software

    Online Task allocation to specific criteria team members to get the historical and current year data in the specified NAAC format

    Real-time online data review by the NAAC coordinator and HOD and provide immediate feedback to get the correct data

    Generate SSR and AQAR reports with a single click of a button

    Get 100% centralised data storage and security

    LearnQoch Subject Matter Expert to handhold NAAC team members

    Overall accreditation process becomes smooth & hassle-free with LearnQoch NAAC software

    NAAC Software

    Experience the LearnQoch NAAC software for 30 days FREE-TRIAL to make the overall accreditation process smooth and hassle-free