Learning Management System

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    We are leading Ed-Tech company that provides technology solutions for KG to PG students as per NEP 2020. We work with schools, colleges and universities to make them truly digital. Our next-generation technology platform has the ability to better the learning & teaching outcomes by implementing:

    An ERP to improve the Productivity of an educational institute

    Learning Management System LMS to improve the learning & teaching outcomes as per NEP 2020

    Future Skills Training Program

    Equipping students with 21st-century Future Skills through Internships leads to rewarding Placements and prepares them for success In the ever-evolving professional landscape.

    Psychometric Assessment

    Help your students to discover their best career options aligned with their strengths with the help of LearnQoch’s Psychometric Assessment.

    Purpose of
    Learning Management System
    is to Create Learning Interest

    Benefits of LearnQoch (LMS)

    Learning Management System

    As a Student/Learner

    24*7 access to course materials
    in reading and video formats

    Topic-wise objective & subjective
    assessments with proctoring

    Personalized Learning Plan
    with Digital Time-Table

    Engage with teachers & classmates
    for clarifications

    Monitor, Measure, and analyze
    your daily, weekly, and monthly performance

    Benefits of LearnQoch (LMS)

    Learning Management System

    As a Teacher/Educator

    Manage/Upload your personalized
    reading & video content

    Real Time assessment of your class
    through your OWN questions

    Personalized Teaching Plan with
    Digital Time-Table

    Improve student engagement by
    sharing your personalized feedback
    and analysis

    Monitor, Measure, & analyze your daily, weekly, &
    monthly class performance as per NEP 2020

    Benefits of LearnQoch (LMS)

    Learning Management System

    As an Admin

    Digital dashboard to monitor, measure, & analyze
    student & teacher performance on a real-time basis

    Ability to handle a large number of
    users and courses efficiently

    Time-saving automation of administrative tasks to have
    better engagement with students, teachers, & parents

    Al-powered customized reporting
    to better the teaching & learning

    LearnQoch will be the Technology Partner
    to address all your tech-requirements

    Creating Teaching & Learning Interest